Harmony Central Video Feature on Cooperstand at Summer NAMM

23 Jun

Cooperstand Now Available From Taylor Guitars

10 Jun

Taylor Guitars is now selling the Cooperstand on their website. The same high-quality Cooperstand you know and love, now bearing the Taylor brand.

Check out the Vintage Guitars!!!

29 May

Take a look at a gallery from the Cooperstand website showing how versatile and stable the Cooperstand is….especially in the opinion of those with quite a bit of money and heart invested in these classics.

Harmony Central Loves Cooperstand

27 May

“Cooperstand is recognized by top musicians, guitar manufacturers, and distributors as a uniquely hand-crafted, non-intrusive, attractive, professional accessory that does exactly what it’s supposed to do, in a very non-typical way. You’ve never seen a guitar stand quite like this one. It’s a great choice for the performing musicians looking for a professional stand that securely supports acoustic or electric guitar, bass, banjo, or mandolin.”

Rave Review On Premier Guitar Site

26 May

“Daniel Cooper has introduced a new instrument stand, called the Cooperstand. Cooperstand addresses the typical stringed instrument support device in a non-typical way. It’s designed for the performing musicians looking for a professional stand that securely supports acoustic or electric guitar, bass, banjo, or mandolin. Cooperstand has full size, function, compatibility, flexibility, portability, good looks, and versatility in one very small package.” READ MORE:::>